Tips for planning and saving

Tips for planning and saving

In this issue of Mindful Money Mondays:

  • 🧠 Mindset: Planning better
  • 💸 Wealth: Tips to save money

🧠 Mindset: Planning better

To handle unexpected changes better, here are some ideas to try:

1. Build in flexibility. This could look like always rounding down numbers, or using a range for 3 conditions: worst case, most likely, and best case.

A line chart showing 3 varying trajectories, ranging from best case (highest), most likely (middle), to worst case (lowest)

2. Focus on what you can control. It’s valid to have feelings like surprise or anger, but we cannot control the world or others around us. We can control how we approach things.

3. Welcome surprises as opportunities. Think: What could I learn or benefit from this?

💸  Wealth: tips to save money

Here's what I found helpful so far:

  • Figure out how much you earn & spend. This helps us find out if there’s any money to save, or if some adjustments need to be made.
  • Automate everything. Take 1 thing off your plate by making sure bills and savings are automatically paid when due.
  • Before you buy, wait 1 day. Taking the time to pause helps me check if it’s a necessary purchase, and search for better deals.

More: 2022 Favorites

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P.S: Tips on budgeting coming soon 👩🏽‍💻

Until next week,

Kina 💛